June 2020
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" Without community, there is no liberation...but community must not mean a shedding of our differences, nor the pathetic pretense that these differences do not exist."  Audre Lord   

Black lives matter. While the National Girls Collaborative Project was created to address gender inequities; at our core is valuing, responding, and supporting the needs of all community members. We will be amplifying our focus on lifting up the programs and resources to dismantle systemic racism. Watch for more information distributing anti-racism resources that you can use personally and with the programs you serve.
National Webinar: The Intersection of Community Values and Program Evaluations
Afterschool STEM Hub Logo June 24, 2020; 1:00-2:30 PM Pacific (4:00-5:30 PM Eastern)
Join out-of-school time STEM practitioners and researchers as they discuss the possibilities and limitations of community-centered program evaluations that are equity-oriented and informative to multiple stakeholders. Presenters will share findings from a review of the OST measurement field and conversations from the 2019 (un)Common Measures Convening in Washington, D.C. Learn REGISTER how research-practice partnerships are redefining program evaluations that center the values of youth, parents, families, and in-school educators.

NGCP and SciGirls Spring 2020 Research-to-Practice Webinar Series Wrap-up
This Spring, NGCP partnered with SciGirls to produce a series of webinars focused on explaining research-based strategies for engaging girls in STEM and showcasing ways those strategies have been put into practice. These webinars occurred in April and May of 2020, but you can access the recordings, chat transcripts, and other important documents for each of them by following the links below.  
Help tell the story of how afterschool programs are stepping up and what programs Afterschool Alliance Logo need going forward
Across the country, COVID-19 has impacted afterschool and summer programs and the young people and families who rely on them to keep kids safe and engaged in learning. It is important for funders, policy makers, education leaders, and the overall public to understand the current situation, as well as the projections and concerns for the future. To help, the Afterschool Alliance will be conducting surveys, to monitor the situation and help provide solutions. The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes of your time and your responses will be anonymous. Thank you for sharing information about your afterschool program! Start the survey at:

Online Learning ResourcesCollabActivity
The National Girls Collaborative Project and it's many partners has compiled this list of STEM-related online learning resources to assist as you serve your programs and communities. We recently added age and audience annotations to many of the resources and will continue to update resources as we learn of more. Thank you for all that you are doing as we find creative ways of engaging young people in STEM.
Each month, this spotlight will highlight new programs, resources, and role models that are part of the IF/THEN Initiative, an initiative from Lyda Hill Philanthropies designed to activate a culture shift among young girls and introduce them to STEM careers.
Karina Popvich
Karina Popovich

IF/THEN Ambassador Karina Popovich has turned her interest in 3D printing into a lifeline for frontline healthcare workers.
The STEM freshman at Cornell University founded Makers for COVID-19 in March and now the group, over 270 members strong, is making more than 20,000 units of personal protective equipment (PPE) each week. The international group prints face shields, mask clips, ventilator valves, N95 masks, and more to support healthcare workers around the world.

So, how long does it take to print PPE? A face shield takes roughly one hour to make, so members of Makers for COVID-19 are printing as often as they can and the group has a GoFundMe page to help buy supplies. Popovich, a Coney Island native, uses her own 3D printing equipment to make PPE for hospitals in New York City.

Visit Popovich's Instagram page to learn more about Makers for COVID-19 and her other work, including Alpha, a 3D-printed clothing line that celebrates makers.
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Upcoming STEM EventsEvents
Attitudes Toward Science During COVID-19 and What it Means for Engagement
June 5, 2020; 9:00 AM Pacific (12:00 PM Eastern)
Participants will hear from Cary Funk, Director of Science and Society Research at the Pew Research Center on the latest data on attitudes toward science and the use of science to inform our response to the pandemic. Additionally experts in science engagement will share their thoughts on how these data should inform engagement efforts moving forward and conduct a Q&A to dig deeper into these data and their implications. Register.

2020 NCGS Virtual Conference
Virtual, June 22-24, 2020
The National Coalition of Girls' Schools (NCGS) conference is going virtual. Engage with keynote speakers and presenters via an interactive, innovative, and collaborative platform. Included is "on demand" access to recordings of all breakout sessions and keynote speakers after the conclusion of the conference. This year's theme is, "Stand Up, Speak Up: Girls Using Their Voices to Engage, Empower, and Enact." Register.

CSTA Conference  
Virtual, July 11-15, 2020
The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) conference is now a virtual conference. While participants will not be meeting in-person, CSTA will still put on the same conference you've come to love - created by teachers, for teachers. Visit the new FAQ page for more information about this virtual event and what this change means for participants. Register.

CSforALL 2020 Logo CSforALL Summit
Memphis, TN; October 13-15, 2020
The Summit will focus on the next 10 years with the '2030 CSforALL Goals'. The three goals are to prepare and encourage the movement to adopt, guide, and measure their computer science education efforts. Summit will include conversations, actions, and priorities around these goals to substantially stride towards the national CSforALL mission. Early bird Call for 2020 Commitments deadline is June 30, 2020.

BOOST (Best of Out-of-School Time) Conference 
Palm Springs, CA; October 26-29, 2020
The BOOST conference has been rescheduled for October 2020. All attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors currently registered will have the opportunity to transfer their April 28-May 1, 2020 registration(s) to the fall BOOST Conference dates. Participants will have the opportunity to network, participate in team-building activities, and learn about the latest trends and research in innovative and quality out-of-school time programming. Register.
The Connectory is a free online collaboration tool for program providers that helps them find partners based on interests, and showcase STEAM opportunities for youth to families.
The Connectory has many online STEAM learning opportunities for youth. Check back often, this list will be growing in the weeks to come.

The Connectory Online Learning 1) Go to  
2) Clear the location field  
3) Select Online Learning under Type of Opportunity
4) View the results

Are you a STEAM program provider? Have you added your online learning opportunities to The Connectory? Our Getting Started Guide makes it easy!

What to do if your event has been postponed, cancelled, or changed to online
We have a simple process in place to update any afterschool camps, community events, workshops, or other opportunities you've entered in The Connectory. Please help us keep our database accurate for families and caregivers.
Stay connected to The Connectory:
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STEM ResourcesResources
Geoscience Women in STEM
The Geoscience Women in STEM site provides curriculum connections that concentrate on the Next Generation Science Standards in Earth and Space Science (NGSS-ESS) and illustrate ways that STEM topics can be explored across traditional disciplinary boundaries and in relation to all students' experiences.

Girls Talk Tech Logo Girls Talk Tech
This web series aims to inspire a new generation of engineers by showcasing women who work in technology. Features technical tutorials, day-in-the-life videos shadowing multi-faceted engineers, and virtual panels exploring the dilemmas and challenges that women engineers face today. Aimed specifically at children and young adults who might be interested in learning more about what it is like to be an engineer but are intimidated by STEM.
June is National Zoo and Aquarium Month
The Association of Zoos and Aquariums provides a collection of links including Educator Resources. Many of the websites have educational resources such as videos, wild life facts, lesson plans, and activities.
Learning from Young Women Cover
Learning from Young Women: A Multi-year NCWIT Research Study
Why do some women persist in computing and others don't? NCWIT's Learning from Young Women study was a longitudinal mixed methods research project that explored this question. This longitudinal study included a large sample of women from around the United States who spanned the pipeline from high school through college through workforce over a period of six years.

Global ResourcesGlobal
World Oceans Day
June 8, 2020
World Oceans Day is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future. For 2020 #WorldOceansDay is growing the global movement to call on world leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030. This critical need is called 30x30. By safeguarding at least 30% of our ocean through a network of highly protected areas we can help ensure a healthy home for all. The website includes free resources available in 15+ languages.

INWED2020 Logo International Women In Engineering Day
June 23, 2020
International Women in Engineering Day is an international awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus attention on the amazing career opportunities available to girls in this exciting industry. It celebrates the outstanding achievements of women engineers throughout the world. Visit their website for #INWED20 Resources.
About Us
The National Girls Collaborative Project™ has been partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, GSE/EXT: National Girls Collaborative Project: Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce, Grant No. HRD-1532643.
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